How should we handle existing patients who want to join our program?

We recommend letting them join by paying the lifetime activation fee and immediately receiving the benefits of full membership. Adding new and existing patients to your membership will increase case diagnosis, retention, and referrals.

Most successful offices use their Membership Club in two primary ways:

Example 1) A current cash patient of record. Let’s say she is in for her usual cleaning and exam. Present the “Your program name here” Membership Club to her and let her know that if she signs up that day, she’d only pay $XX and her cleaning/exam is covered and she’s saving $XXX! (Mentioning savings is important.)

Example 2) A brand new patient. If they don’t have dental insurance, promote your Membership Club to them by letting them know they would just pay $XX to join and that covers everything for their first visit. Make sure you tell them they’re getting great savings. This is important! Then explain that your program is far better than any insurance plan and as long as they stay current they no longer need to worry about expensive x-rays, coming in irregularly, declining fluoride, etc.

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